The Brazilian Ukrainian Central Representation - BUCR is a non-profit civil entity founded in 1985 that brings together all higher, civil, and religious institutions of the Ukrainian community in Brazil. Its objective is to represent the community and defend its general interests before the governments of Brazil and Ukraine. The Brazilian Ukrainian Central Representation groups civil entities from São Paulo, Paraná, Santa Catarina, and Rio Grande do Sul, from various cities, and religious entities (260 Greek Catholic communities and 18 Orthodox communities and institutions) among the 600,000 Brazilians of Ukrainian descent. Its board is renewed every three years, and its members represent various regions of the country and the oldest and most expressive entities of the community.
The Humanitas Brazil-Ukraine Committee is an organization of solidarity and support for the Ukrainian people, linked to the Brazilian Ukrainian Central Representation, organized on March 3, 2022, after the start of the large-scale Russian military aggression in Ukraine. Since then, the Humanitas Brazil-Ukraine Committee has been involved in creating conditions and receiving Ukrainian refugees in Brazil, contacting government and civil society institutions to coordinate support and solidarity, collecting financial and material resources, and providing various types of assistance.
The Humanitas Brazil-Ukraine Committee works in partnership with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees - UNHCR, with the Ministry of Human Rights, with state agencies, with dozens of municipalities and civil entities such as Scouts, Rotary, Lions, the Brazilian Bar Association, Abona, and other institutions specialized in welcoming refugees. There are also institutions related to different religious beliefs, Freemasonry, Chambers of Commerce, and Commercial Associations.
The Humanitas Brazil-Ukraine Committee uses the physical address, CNPJ, and bank account of the Brazilian Ukrainian Central Representation, of which it is a part.
The official address of the Brazilian Ukrainian Central Representation is Alameda Augusto Stelfeld, 795 - 80.410-140 - Curitiba - Paraná
Whatsapp: + 55 41 98740 0508
Bank Account: Brazilian Ukrainian Central Representation
Caixa Econômica Federal - Agency 1638 Operation 1388 - Account 000738946555-8
PIX CNPJ 78774668000183
The national civic educational organization UNION OF UKRAINIAN WOMEN (in Ukrainian, СОЮЗ УКРАЇНОК - SOIUZ UKRAÏNOK) is the largest women's organization in Ukraine with over a century of history. The official website is
Our main mission is to unite Ukrainian women in a democratic women's movement, defend their rights, achieve gender equality, and direct their creative energies to promote cultural values, national ideals, and spiritual culture in society, as well as educate a new generation of young Ukrainians capable of building a democratic Ukrainian state based on the rule of law.
The NGO UNION OF UKRAINIAN WOMEN has a history of over 100 years, founded on February 21, 1917, in Lviv to activate women, raise their educational and economic level, educate a new type of Ukrainian citizen, and strengthen and deepen Ukrainian awareness.
Due to the Bolshevik occupation in 1939, the organization had to suspend its activities. The year 1991 marked the rebirth of the UNION OF UKRAINIAN WOMEN based in Kyiv.
Today, the NGO UNION OF UKRAINIAN WOMEN has divisions in almost all regions of Ukraine and builds strong international relations, including representations in almost every European country, Canada, Australia, and the USA (68 branches).
OUR MISSION is the spiritual rebirth of the Ukrainian nation, the comprehensive development of the Ukrainian language and culture, overcoming the consequences of the Russification policy, promoting national traditions and customs, establishing a national education system, and creating.
- support for Ukrainian women's organizations in other countries in their efforts to preserve national identity, facilitate cultural links with Ukraine;
- care for childcare institutions, maternal and child health care;
- artistic activities;
- volunteering;
- creation of charity funds;
- publication of newspapers, magazines, and other educational and informational materials;
- organization and conduct of thematic conferences, seminars, discussions, competitions, training, and other events;
- participation in public life and the international women's movement;
- collaboration with political and public organizations of democratic orientation.